
What Color Is Austin High Band Uniforms

Perhaps when the Alumni Band performs they could wear the traditional uniforms, and the LHB could go Tumbleweed. I love our traditional uniforms, they say 'We Are Texas', and they are a office of the Texas civilisation. Much of that culture nevertheless exists in the State today.

I don't desire to throw out that civilisation and tradition, just every bit I practice not desire to throw out our National Championships, Heisman Trophies, or other awards. My feet are permanently scarred from the heat that radiated from the AstroTurf during our Freshmen workouts and the workouts with the 'Old Men'. I fifty-fifty lost some feeling in some of the tissue. It might not have happened had I said something to someone in charge, but I didn't want to.

I feel very strongly about the contributions the LHB makes to the football, basketball, and university experience. If they ever try to put our band in some idiotic band uniform that any loftier school tin can buy, I will probably go nuclear.

Edit: The Showband already wears khakis and polos for at least iii to four games. That should exist enough for the agents for alter. We only play 11ish games. My line in the sand. Otherwise information technology won't stop until the Showband is no longer the Showband.

For Pete's sake, what is wrong with a picayune tradition in a world of modify. Yous afraid we won't get the top trumpet players? Sheesh.

Hook 'em!

Actually, I concur with yous.  Hopefully you understand that it is the very nature of an old football player to brand fun of Ring.  Only, Hell!  Let me tell you, that my senior year in loftier schoolhouse, I dated the caput  majorette/twirler.  How, I practice no know, she choose me, I would not have had the audacity to accept fifty-fifty thought nigh choosing her!  That year I came to a full appreciation of her ability to toss that thing into the Stratosphere and catch in coming back down to globe at an incredible speed without jamming her thumbs or breaking her fingers.  I surely jammed mine trying the same, just I could not even get the gol darned thing to go straight enough up to come down within the same general vicinity so I could even endeavor to catch information technology, much less with twirling action commencing within any reasonable time span afterwards - did I mention the jammed thumbs?  At present on her weekends she took lessons with some super ninja twirler from Texas Tech who warmed upward with his bullwhip routine!  Needless to say, simply ane of those workouts was enough for me, as the swain of the loftier school twirler, you see! ;)

I like your idea of having the Longhorn Band going "Tumbleweed" and the Alumni Band going Traditional when the Alumni Band plays.  Sounds like you could accept separate and combined routines with possibly some commotion of the "MOB" variety thrown in.  UT has a broad reach and varied alumni base of operations.  A little respect for tradition, and a little creativity could become a long mode toward entertaining everybody.

While I have yous, I gotta tell you that it was a lot of fun taking my female parent to games in the seventies earlier she died.

She was a child of the Great Depression.  She graduated in 1936 as valedictorian of her graduating class.  As was customary in those days, as valedictorian of her grade, she received a full scholarship to UT for four years.  It paid for books, tuition, fees, room, and lath in a girls dormitory.  Being the daughter of sharecroppers who were much like borderland people living sometimes in sod dug outs in Due west Texas, neither she nor her parents saw how she could take reward of this.  Y'all see, she had to pick cotton wool in the autumn to put food on the table for her brothers and sisters, and, too, she only had one clothes to her proper noun.

Well, even in the seventies, she had a place in her heart for the Academy of Texas.  She was so proud of her son getting non one but two degrees from :"Her University".  We brought her down to Austin for at least one football game each year before she died.  We always bought tickets at the top of the west side of the stadium.  She said that she wanted to be able to take it all in.  We would get at that place very early then nosotros could see it all, the warm ups, the people meandering in, and the Band.  You would hear the drums rhythm in the distance.  We could look back over the campus and at first follow the audio as it came across campus.  Then you could await down and see the people walking toward the stadium hesitate and carve up as The Longhorn Band came marching through.  When they came under the stadium and earlier they emerged on the due north side of the field, the sound became muffled but reverberated and somehow seemed to vibrate up through our feet.  So, The Longhorn Band emerged from under the north stands with March Grandioso erupting from them.  I exercise not remember how many wide but it seemed at least half dozen of eight across, and they proceeded to march forth the west side of the track and all of the players seemed to non exist yet in the stadium when the showtime of them arrived at the south end of the stadium.

You lot run across, she wanted to see the spectacle, and she always wanted to see it without having to plough her caput.  You come across, there were always ten times equally many people in that stadium as there were in her home town.  And The Longhorn Band always seemed to knit it all together in her eyes.  And then there were those boys and girls who threw their batons towards the stars, and they were able to catch them, also, coming back downward.

You lot encounter, some of united states of america similar to play the fool and poke fun in the moment, just I think that almost of us really capeesh everybody's contribution.  Thank you for yours, and cheers for making it possible for me to share my story.


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